How to repeat a word in python. Interesting exercise! +1 for using Counter().

  • How to repeat a word in python Over your career as a Python coder, you will encounter situations when a string needs to be To repeat a string to a certain length: Multiply the string by the specified length to repeat it N times. . You can change this value to any positive integer. You create curChar, but you never use it. How cool is that! For example, from nltk. How to repeat a while loop a certain number of times. For a final solution note that this (and the other proposed solutions to the question) don't currently consider case, other possible characters (digits, symbols etc) or whether more than one word will have the maximum letter Python 3 installed and configured (check the Python version before starting). In this article, we will focus on how to achieve this efficiently. the word "cat" in "the cat sat on the mat which was below the cat" is in the 2nd and 11th position in the sentence. python; loops; repeat; Share. I want to give the user the option of calculating another cube root, or quitting. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 6 months ago. words('english') gives us a list of 127 stop words in the English language. This is exactly what we need because indexes are zero-based in Python. list on range with kind of repeat the list. chain. Please do some research before asking on Stack Overflow. 8931441307067871 String multiplication: 0. then how it should be? import time time. @MarounMaroun that will give repeated characters, and do so in O(n^2) ew. start (optional): The starting value of the sequence. Note that \b is defined as the I have got one problem with Python. If not specified, the default is 0. If they say yes it repeats the whole program. 7: from itertools import repeat def expandGrid(**kwargs): # Input is a series of lists as named arguments # output is a dictionary defining each combination, preserving names # # lengths of each input list listLens = [len(e) for e in kwargs. Follow In the above code example, we first define the value of N, which represents the number of times you want to repeat the code. Output: rreedd. split(' ') takes a string and creates a list of elements divided by a space (' '). join(out) As a bonus, I have allowed a different maximum number of repeats to be specified (the default is 2). Repeating a function in Python a variable amount of times. How to repeat a piece of code a certain amount of times in Python [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 10 years, 10 months ago. Sometimes, you may need to repeat a string until it reaches a I want to know how to make a function that checks whether a word/string repeats itself, returning true if yes and vice-versa. Python range to list. next_string = answer[0+i+i] sets next_string to a single char, but then you test it against the whole answer string. Modified 6 years, 7 months ago. def max_repeats(s, max=2): last = '' out = [] for word in s. In Python, creating multiple copies of a string can be done in a simple way using multiplication operator. If order does matter, you can use a dict instead of a set, which since Python 3. It directly gives us the repeated string with no extra steps. It directly gives us the repeated string with no extra steps Rohit Sharma's answer should be accepted, as it does in fact take word boundaries into account. If you pick an item twice, then the section repeats and you're required to do it again. Modified 1 year ago. join() method approach is more elegant and intuitive. split(): same = 0 if word != last else same + 1 if same < max: out. – Adam Smith. I wanted to show that you can supply your own value to this method. Specifically, I'm requiring inputs from the user in a text-based game. While all the ways provide similar basic functionality, they differ in their syntax and condition-checking time. delete duplicates words from column. Try finding fox on "the quick brown fox!" or "the quick brown dog, fox, and chicken. ; stop: The end value of the sequence. 2. I want to remove all the characters which repeat more than twice. Repeat a String via numpy. For example: for i in range (10): if i==4: i=0 print(i) Unfortunately this doesn't work. -3 . groupby will group by each change in a primary key (in this case, the next letter in the word). Barber Python 2. Such as Repeat Unil in other languages. Remove duplicate lines from a string. # Repeat each character in a string N times in How do you ensure that a word taken in through a function repeats each of its alphabets in the output. Don't use list as a variable name as it is a keyword in Python. To repeat a string s n (integer number) times, you use the * operator: To get a list of integers representing each character of a string ss, you can use the built-in ord() method in a list comprehension: Repeating a string is a simple task in Python. text ===== This is the first row This is the second row third row this is the I would like to get this content: text ===== first second third How do I remove the words that appear in each row of a There's a tool for that. )\1*') In Python, creating multiple copies of a string can be done in a simple way using multiplication operator. for j in range(0,length): #remove the overlapping sequences in reverse order del input[i + length - j] bool_broke = True break #break the for loop as the loop length does not matches the length of splitted_input anymore as we removed elements if bool_broke: return remove_duplicates(input, length) #if we found a duplicate, look for another itertools. A for loop is used for iterating over a sequence (that is either a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string). Counter module, or even regular expressions. Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 19:33. 3. Using multiplication operator (*) This method is the easiest way to repeat a string multiple times in Python. This can be accomplished with a regex with the help of capturing groups. This should do the work. In other words, the last Feb 14, 2021 · The range() function takes three parameters:. join() will join the letters back to a string in arbitrary order. I have a condition inside the loop, and if the condition is true, the loop should start again. itervalues()] # multiply all list lengths together to get total number of combinations nCombos = How to repeat a word based on its frequency of occurrence in a row with multiple words in python? Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 152 times -3 I am working on a data set . How to find repeated letters in the same word in Python? 0. BTW, using answer as the name of the input data is a bit confusing, maybe call it response or word. itertools. Python For Loops. The trick is to match a single char of the range you want, and then make sure you match all repetitions of the same character: >>> matcher= re. I have this list: ['apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'tomato', 'carrot', 'apple', 'banana'] Now I want to detect the duplicated words, count them, put the result in front of the word and print in a single string like this example: I have a comma separated string, how do i remove duplicate entries in the string in a pythonic way. Example. How to realize it in a fast way in python ? Besides, is there any python module that can correct the word ? like correct hhhaaappy to happy? String. You can always comment down if I'm learning python and had a quick question. With the for loop we can execute a set of statements, once for each item in a list, I am having trouble writing a program to repeat this program. We can create multiple copies of a string by using built-in features. from_iterable(itertools. It assumes space is the only thing that breaks one word from another. Since I nested the parentheses, group number 2 refers to the character matched by \w. For example the string "a,a,b" should be changed to "a,b". The text has been cleaned and has only words as shown in the example below. set applied to a string will return a unique collection of letters. replace(w, '') item1. If word exists in the list, the loop would break. Results: For loop: 5. There are a few problems with your code: you calculate the count of the most common letter, but not the letter itself; you return inside the loop and thus after the very first letter; also, you never use x, and the slicing of letter is unneccesary; Some suggestions to better spot those errors yourself: item1 = [] for line in item: for w in words: line = line. repeat() The NumPy library has various numerical functionalities, Python - Using Random with No Repeated Words and Selecting a Spare Word from a List. For that i used index() but it returns the same index of all the duplicate characters. Don't call a variable list or other python words. join(set(foo)) set() will create a set of unique letters in the string, and "". Is it possible to get which values are duplicates in a list using python? I have a list of items: mylist = [20, 30, 25, 20] I know the best way of removing the duplicates is set (mylist The following list comprehension will yield the duplicate values: [x for x in mylist if mylist. Any other solution for this problem. You can in general catch a repeated pattern with a regexp looking like this: (pattern)\1+. I have created the following code: Other than using Python's sample or shuffle function directly as others have suggested, your solution works just fine, but it has the downside of After splitting the string I created a set with unique entries. for example: numbers=[1,2,3,4,5,3] I need to get the value 3 How do you ensure that a word taken in through a function repeats each of its alphabets in the output. Follow edited Jul 18, 2015 at 2:04. I have a function and inserted a new method in my code. I need to make a formal text that includes detection of repeated letters in a word. For example of the input text: Helllooooo. For example, if the input file contains the following lines: i would not like them here or there. repeat(object[, times]) where: Sometimes we need to repeat the string in the program, and we can do this easily by using the repetition operator in Python. How to choose random word in python from a list of words. Then, we create a for loop that iterates over a The itertools. 7 preserves the insertion order of the keys. The first thing to note is that we can We can use the multiplication operator to repeat a string a specific number of times, combine string repetition and slicing to repeat a string to a certain length, use the join () method to If you want to repeat individual letters you can just replace the letter with n letters e. How can I remove any repeated line in a multi-line string. Run through your algorithm on paper with a few words and see what it does. The generated sequence will not include this value. (Optional) Python modules, such as Itertool functions, NumPy, or Pandas. Is there any way in python to repeat a while or for loop by asking the user to do so at the end of the loop? 1. The function words returns a dictionary with the word as key and the count as value. Oct 25, 2022 · The repeat() function is the function that will actually let you repeat the code n number of times in python. The simplest way to count repeated words is by splitting the string into individual words and using a dictionary to keep track of their occurrences. Randomizing list of words with Python. Print random strings from a list (multiple times) with no repeats. def unique(lst): """ Assumes lst is already sorted """ unique_list = [] for el in lst: if el != unique_list[-1]: In this article, we will learn how to count repeated words in a string. How to run a program's purpose more You can use regular expressions and the word boundary special character \b (highlight by me):. Example: word(&quot;Hello&quot;)should returnHHeelllloo` word(&quot;Hi-Tech&quot;)should retur There are 3 people having tea, so I want the program to repeat 3 times and then print at the bottom every order individually. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Original question: order of repetition does not matter You can subtract the number of unique letters by the number of total letters. For example, string1 = "The earth is dying"` string2:"trees" I want a new string to be: tre estre es trees I was thinking to split the first string into a list and iterate through, but I having trouble getting a second for loop that would iterate through the second string and add it to the first one until the right length is reached? If using libraries or built-in functions is to be avoided then the following code may help: s = "aaabbc" # Sample string dict_counter = {} # Empty dict for holding characters # as keys and count as values for char in s: # Traversing the whole string # character by character if not dict_counter or char not in dict_counter. With re. The code: This has a few problems. After In this article, you’ll learn how to repeat a string multiple times in Python. my_output = re. 12. Perhaps the I want to store actual index of Two or more duplicate characters in a list. How do you make a string repeat itself in python. Additionally, Nested Loops allow looping within loops for more complex tasks. Example: word(&quot;Hello&quot;)should returnHHeelllloo` word(&quot;Hi-Tech&quot;)should retur The program should print all the words and not repeat any. The You have a few logic errors there. I have been trying to do it since the book doesn't gives you the answer to it. Use string slicing to select a part of the string from index 0 up to the specified length. Count the frequency of words from a column in Python. append(word) last = word return ' '. >>> import itertools >>> for letter, seq in itertools. Loops in Python are used to repeat actions efficiently. I am having trouble writing a program to repeat this program. For all values in a row, if a certain word is duplicated more than once, we want to remove it from the list. "Get unique elements from list" and "Count unique elements from list" are extensively covered in other questions. 1. Python provides several methods to Count Repeated Words , such as dictionaries, collections. How to eliminate repetitive lines in the file: python. I need the solution only with one for loop. The original answer would incorrectly change Hey there eating to Hey thereating. This function accepts a start position (not required), a stop position (required) and a step (not required). Generally. sleep(0. At the end, you'll have a count of words. The order that the words are written to the output file does not matter. groupby("hellloooooooo"): Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company tries = tries + 1 if tries == 5: final = raw_input ("Try to guess the word!: ") if final == correct: You need == for comparison not =, = is for assignment. for i in range(3): print('I never want to grow up!') Above instantiates a For loop with the range() function. Here's my suggestion also making use of max() and its key argument, and the * unpacking operator. rstrip() method to remove the hyphen, but the str. What you want is this: unique_words = set(str1. Notice that there is a hyphen at the end of the string. Hot Network Questions If order does not matter, you can use "". This Recently, during a Python webinar, a question arose by someone about how to repeat a string multiple times in Python, which made me explore more about this topic. If you want to remove entire words only, you should try a different approach. For example: doubleWord("cat") --> False . sub(r'\b(\w+)(?:\W+\1\b)+', r'\1', In Python, you can repeat a string "n" number of times without using a loop, in the following ways: Using Repetition Operator;; Using itertools. To solve this problem, we’ll use the repetition and concatenation properties of This returns to you an array of words. The repetition operator is denoted by a '*' symbol and is useful In Python, creating multiple copies of a string can be done in a simple way using multiplication operator. Repeat a String via * Operator. At one point you're required to pick some items. Michael J. I'm trying to repeat a for loop more than once. changed gg to line; changed it to item; removed the check if line contains w as that is handled by replace; replace does not know about word boundries. I want to ask them if they want to repeat (yes or no). You could use the str. append(line) Note: I altered some code. i would not like them anywhere Check out How to Remove Characters from a String in Python? Repeat a String to a Certain Length in Python. Improve this question. This is less like the for keyword in other programming languages, and works more like an iterator method as found in other object-orientated programming languages. Follow Duplicate Lines with Python and regex text manipulation. I ran some perfomance checks, to see how different methods compete with each other. count(x) >= 2] Share. 720043182373047 List join: 0. repeat(x, 3) for x in range(5)) Share. 01) Using itertools. g. Python - Locating Duplicate Words in a Text File. Its second term is an iterator that will emit like valued items (consecutive letters). A repeated word should be written to only a single line of the output file, no matter how many times it appears in the input file. I have to write a code to find the cube root, which I've done. Then iterate through the array and do one of two things, if it exists in the dictionary, increment the count by 1, otherwise, create the key value pair with key as the word and value as 1. join(). set(foo) takes a collection foo and returns a set collection of only the distinct elements in foo. You can also replace tries = tries + 1 with tries += 1. A word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric or underscore characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a non-alphanumeric, non-underscore character. Solution. for example i want this word to repeat unlimited times keep repeating. @Alcott: (\w) matchs any alphanumeric character. 6. An IDE or text editor for Python. repeat() function does not pre-generate the repeated values and is faster compared to the built-in range() function. Check for duplicate words using not in before you append it to the list. 6) print(" Hello World") python; repeat; Share. 6k This should work, it walks the list and adds elements to a new list if they are not the same as the last element added to the new list. To adapt it to your problem, we only need to take into account that you want words to be separated by a space Assuming that the format is always a letter followed by an integer, with the last integer possibly missing: >>> from itertools import izip_longest >>> s = 'A3G3A I have a dataframe with a text column containing long string values. 2 min read. The syntax is: itertools. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company If you rephrase the question, it might be easier to understand how to go about this: Is the first half of the word equal to the second half of the word? We can use Python slicing syntax to divide the word in half: word[:n]: first n characters of word; word[n:]: all the other characters For base Python 2. Follow answered Aug 25, 2011 at 5:32. Matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a word. x = "loooooveee" res = len(x) - len(set(x)) # 6 If you store the picked items in a list, you can simply check if the newly requested item is already in the list or not: # item_list is the list of already picked items new_item = ask_for_item() # your function to request a new item from the user while new_item in item_list: new_item = ask_for_item() # already in the list, ask again # if you get out of the loop, then it I just finished learning how to do lists in python from the book,Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, and came across a challenge asking to list out words randomly without repeating them. Alternatively, one could use the following regex (which will produce a slightly different output in some scenarios; see examples below):. 0. 025591611862182617 The fundamental difference in most programming languages is that unless the unexpected happens a for loop will always repeat n times or until a break statement, (which may be conditional), is met then finish with a while loop it may repeat 0 times, 1, more or even forever, depending on a given condition which must be true at the start of each loop for it to execute Not only does it have many of the built in functions one would like when working with text, the NLTK Book is a tutorial for both learning Python and text analysis at the same time. repeat() With str. The main types are For loops (counting through items) and While loops (based on conditions). In this Answer, we’ll learn how to use Python to take a word as input and output it with doubled letters. compile(r'(. Input: red. Viewed 5k times There are 3 people having tea, so I want the program to repeat 3 times and then print at the bottom every order individually. This is useful when we need to repeat a word, phrase, or any repeat() Function in Python The repeat() function in Python’s module allows you to create an iterator that repeats an object a specified number of times or infinitely. Now create an empty dicitonary. You also want to move raw_input inside the loop and just ask the user to guess the word outside the while when the guesses are all used up: For example, I want to remove the duplicate characters like hhhaaappy to hhaappy since h and a repeat twice. I am trying to make my function locate duplicate words and if so the output should be True or False depending on wether there are duplicate words. split(' ')) The default value for the split separator is whitespace. ((\w)\2) matchs any alphanumeric character followed by the same character, since \2 matches the contents of group number 2. findall you can find the count of every word in the text. For base Python 2. corpus import stopwords stopwords. Then, after each losing outcome, give the user another chance to guess the number so that the loop has a chance to How to get Python to return the position of a repeating word in a string? E. What this does is recursively tries to match a pattern that is followed by itself at least once. Method 2: Use a For Loop and range() This method uses a for loop with the range() function to iterate and output a string a set number of times. ; Using Repetition Operator. there is a list, it can contain such words: list = ["word","textword","randomword"] at the same time, this repeated word can be both in another word, and in the middle of the list or at the end Double each letter of a word in Python. The simplest way to count repeated words is by splitting the string into individual words. An alternative itertools -problem-overcomplicating-style option with repeat(), izip() and chain(): Or, Apr 9, 2024 · The syntax for string slicing is my_str[start:stop:step], where the start value is inclusive and the stop value is exclusive. 7 Trying to narrow a list using range and duplicate. 40. Thanks, this is the code I'm trying to repeat: Put all the if-else statements within one big while loop that keeps looping until the user guesses the number correctly. repeat() The itertools module provides a Remove duplicate words in the same cell within a column in python. I've been learning python 3 for about 1 week now and I just can't find a way to do this, so here is my question. Hai Vu. Improve this answer. (In the CPython implementation, this is already supported in Repeat word in python unlimited times. itervalues()] # multiply all list lengths together to get total number of Interesting exercise! +1 for using Counter(). Then putting it all together, ((\w)\2{2,}) matchs any alphanumeric character, followed by the How do I repeat a function in python. By doing this, you end up hiding Python's actual inbuilt list class. keys(): # Checking whether the dict is # empty or In this article, we will learn how to count repeated words in a string. How can I find the repeated value in a list? There will always be only one repeated value. How to calculate word frequency of a string phrase in a column of a csv file using python? 1. How to duplicate specific lines in Python. ylewd yxkzj mzsy ygx upxys von dxra luxoo afka inbzr