Octoprint sudo. I can now start/stop the GUI at will.
Octoprint sudo Then issue the following commands: sudo service octoprint stop sudo nano . Starting VNCServer octoprint-systeminfo-20240101222636. Now, attempting to answer from canon, there are a few things going on behind-the-scenes. Editing it Do not use sudo for the pip command below! If you need sudo in order to update OctoPrint, you broke something on your OctoPi installation (probably by using sudo accidentally earlier) and you need to fix your permissions, not just blindly put sudo in front of commands until stuff works. 10 Printer Just got the software up and it’s working fine. access. I'm not sure if it is better or worse to use input_raspicam. Charlie_Powell July 26, 2021, 3:44pm 172. And if i try to execute sudo ~/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend MYCODE i got an Error: Command for custom:Licht aus failed with return code 1: STDOUT: STDERR: sudo: no tty present and no askpass . 04. Either it is the default password raspberry, or you have took your own one when you setup OctoPi (you use OctoPi?). It looks like the service file references octoprint being installed for the pi user (ie: in /home/pi/octoprint), but you seem to have it installed for the biqu user (ie: in /home/biqu/octoprint). FilebasedUserManager # The YAML user file to use. Reload the systemd daemon to apply the changes: sudo systemctl daemon-reload Restart the octoprint. conf for files that need rood privileges. Printables; Basics; Buyer's Guides; News; Get It 3D Printed Source: thefudd via Reddit. pi@octopi ~/. yaml # in the default configuration folder, see below) userManager: octoprint. If left out defaults sudo service octoprint start without success. OctoPrint 1. js; npm install --save octo-client Server stop and won't restart. sudo apt-get update [enter] After it finishes, which might take a while, you type in: sudo apt-get upgrade [enter] Answer Y to continue, and wait for it. Now getting Octoprint installed wasn't that hard but getting the multi instances to work together was tricky. I also tried launching octoprint with the "--safe" option to load a clean instance, but nothing so far. 10 (one of these is probably installed by default) and pip. Assuming you are following the guide Setting up OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian or Raspberry Pi OS and have all the scripts there setup, then it also tells you what stream URL to use. local. through SSH) Shutdown the OctoPrint server (OctoPi: sudo service octoprint stop) I wrote in "sudo service octoprint start" as I was following this guide. octoprint ver: Version 1. sudo service octoprint restart doesn't work/exists and sudo find . if i enter the mjpg_streamer by hand it will work. d octoprint defaults you are telling it read that file and set up a service to run it. 2 octopi ver: Version 0. Whoops stop As @andy-b said: it's from the backend via SSH, you don't need your OctoPrint username. txt file at all - if you have the stream working under port 8080 then you have already gone beyond needing it. This documentation provides step-by-step instructions to install OctoPrint on a Debian Buster system using the terminal. 1. When you run sudo update-rc. My Putty Text: Just a note, the webcamDaemon script will never use the "input_raspicam. log file from today's date, and I have deleted the octoprint. lsusb shows the camera connected. My single USB cam has the same issue sometimes. In my case I chose "no", because I will only need the GUI on occasion, and I do not wish it to interfer with printing. It is available for various platforms, and today we'll install OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi. However, you # update software repositories sudo apt update # install available software updates sudo apt upgrade -y # install prerequisites sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-venv git libyaml-dev build-essential libffi-dev libssl-dev -y OctoPrint does some nifty things internally in order to allow streaming of large file uploads to the application rather than just storing them in memory. And when I tried make it failed. system - INFO - Performing command for core:restart: sudo service octoprint restart 2019-09-16 11:29:42,429 - octoprint. I confirmed it wasn't running afterward with. 1 LTS Jammy (Armbian) installed along with an old Microsoft LifeCam I had lying around. local", you should use the local DNS entry your OctoPi uses (such as printer. Restart your Raspberry. 6. Go via Putty to the Raspi Pi. I ran into to some minor things that I had to figure out and streamline. Actually, I'd forgotten to do the editing before booting on your RasPi of choice. My ssh terminal just says it can't find ~/oprint/bin/activate. Please contribute. Firefox 84. so" for a pi camera with the default camera setting of "auto" (so auto really just means to use input_uvc. Did quite a bit of research on turning off auto focus but this makes it easier for What is the problem? I was able to connect to my Raspberry Pi's OctoPrint URL and received the login challenge screen. Just download it, flash it to an SD card and you are good to go -- you can follow this excellent video guide by Thomas What is the problem? Setting up and enabling usb webcam. For the basic package you'll need Python 3. sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt clean && sudo reboot now Assign your OctoPi a static IP and note what that IP is (we need it later) One Last Note Before We Start. api. For SSH it is pi and raspberry (if you haven't changed them). local and the problem is resolved. sudo apt update -y sudo apt full-upgrade -y sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-venv git libyaml-dev build-essential -y pip3 install virtualenv sudo reboot mkdir OctoPrint && cd OctoPrint A GUI can be installed on the Octoprint Pi by running "sudo ~/scripts/install-desktop" After the GUI is installed, you can choose to have it automatically start on boot, or not. thanks!!!!! sudo nano . txt. Good stuff, this should help people. Webcams. For even more convenience, you can now setup restart and shutdown commands in the OctoPrint UI with sudo service octoprint restart and sudo service You want to install OctoPrint to help with 3D Printing, and you're running multiple projects on your Raspberry Pi. Then just enter nano /path/of/the/file. 0. Because the if statement at the bottom looks for /dev/video0 first which the pi camera also uses. If you only have a single user setup in OctoPrint for which you forgot the password, the easiest way is simply resetting OctoPrint's user database and run the Restart the OctoPrint server (OctoPi: sudo service octoprint start). hybridAndroid: sudo service webcamd restart. Tried running it with sudo but it still can't find it. 4 KB) What is the problem? Being unable to run the restart command in the octoprint UI I realized I missed some steps and downloaded octoprin. service: Unit lighthttpd. octoprint/config. On OctoPi: source ~/oprint/bin/activate Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom yo This maybe more palatable but also may be for the version of Octoprint you have installed. Currently only a filebased # user manager is implemented which stores configured accounts in a YAML file (Default: users. Exit with CTRL + X (it will ask you if you want to save the file after you changed anything) search with CTRL + W Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint. default and . k. The first problem didn't really bother me, because octoprint worked fine. So adding that stock OctoPrint wouldn't make sense. Any ideas? Step by step guide to installing OctoPrint on RHEL-like distributions Disclaimer ⚠ WARNING The instruction provided in this guide are provided as is. Tried upgrading from the S One should verify that OctoPi boots and that the OctoPrint web server works. customdomain). Command: sudo service octoprint restart returns: Not starting octoprint, DAEMON not set in / etc / default / octoprint. 17. Those are my config's: Solved, but not quite sure how I can now start/stop the GUI at will. Sorry for not explaining better, I'm new to Linux. Im running this on an laptop running Debian. Save the file and exit the editor. thx. For some reason, my "pi" user and password that I always use for such connections did not work on my Raspberry Pi/Octoprint instance. Thank you for everything that you do. Read on for an OctoPrint-Linux installation guide! All3DP; All3DP Pro; Printables Basics Buyer's Guides News. Octoprint seemed to be frozen. Make sure you are using the correct version - it is probably be installed as python3, n Not sure what it will look like on Ubuntu, but on the octopi install the user pi is in the group sudo root@octopi:~# grep sudo /etc/group sudo:x:27:pi. -name octoprint* retuns nothing. Printer model & used firmware incl. 12 If you only have a single user set up. then do as described: If you only have a single user set up. org. I also read all posts here. Another option is to leave the Pi getting its IP address via DHCP and going to your router Did the same happen when running OctoPrint in safe mode? Yes. 15 ethernet fixed ip. Of course, we haven't yet tried this out in the field - whilst there is still work ongoing, there has not yet been a new release that people could update to should they wish to. but I think it's a security issue to not be running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y. Now you either type sudo reboot or click on Menu -> Shutdown -> Reboot -> O. g. x with a combination of sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade as well as taking the production release(s) of OctoPrint itself then it's quite likely that you'd have the same as starting over with 0. Please follow each step carefully. Many thanks to the mods and the helpful octoprinters. i use the guide from here, but my camera will not start. This article will show you step by step how to manually install Sudo always asks for the password after some certain time. Something was broken in the update, unfortunately I know little as a PC user. This article is free for you and free from outside Octoprint 1. system: actions: - action: streamon command: /home/pi/webcam. 18. Version of OctoPrint. server. http: //IPORANGEPIPC:5000. I installed octoprint on a fresh micro SD and that’s all. Same happens on Chrome on Android. Check that OctoPrint is active on port 5000 of the Orange PI PC by accessing the address. Just the right balance between too brief and too detailed! 🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine! 🇺🇦 OctoPrint Community Forum Setting up OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS (Debian) Get Help sudo chmod 755 /etc/init. I'm very well versed in windows. A GUI for the RaPi/Octoprint can be installed by running sudo ~/scripts/install-desktop. 1 OctoPrint: 1. I have a problem here "sudo apt install subversion libjpeg62-turbo-dev imagemagick ffmpeg libv4l-dev cmake" it comes up with "E: unable to locate package libjpeg62-turbo-dev". Tried on Chrome, Firefox and Edge on Windows 10. sh stop octoprint 1. The generic steps that should basically be done regardless of operating system and runtime environment are the If you update an OctoPi 0. users. 0 Octopi 0. zip (47. Hi. log or output on terminal tab, ) Octopi Version: 0. The guide was really clear and useful. For Linux systems (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc. I realize there may be issues with things possibly getting broken. In the next article, Linux will be configured to connect to OctoPrint on the Http standard port, i. An idea for a workaround could be a button in the control interface to restart the camera service: sudo service webcamd stop sudo pkill mjpg-streamer sudo rmmod uvcvideo sudo modprobe uvcviceo sudo service webcamd start Or even better, tracking the service and if it fails run the above commands. I think in armbian it defaults to Nano? It's a bit of work if you don't already have node and npm loaded, but I just created a command line interface with octo-client. With minor modifications I was able to succesfully install, config and run OctoPrint from scratch on a $30 Le Potato AML S905x-cc SBC with Ubuntu 22. /scripts /boot/octoprint. NotTechSupport January 25, 2021, 4:03pm 1. I powered off the RPi and it reboot but would not load I've been having this issue as well on my Octoprint running on Raspberry Pi 3. 0, running on Raspber Hello together! I am new in the 3D Printing World and have installed OctoPi via your Image on my RPi 3b. People might be using an external IP camera, or some other webcam server or whatnot. sh stop Hello, I'm new to the community but I wanted to jump in here. You are done. A higher negative number gives it more processor time. init, . see above. User pi, Bananapi A20, Image Armbian (debian10), Video device ist /dev/video1 i have a webcam and a WebcamDaemon (green) in . 1 Like. Play with it. I refreshed the browser and got the octoprint page telling me the server was not running. Your terminal paste is showing you are doing it as root. bak. After installing OctoPi and upgrading OctoPrint, it will be necessary to ssh into the target machine to run a handful of system commands. service: sudo systemctl restart octoprint. What did you already try to solve it? Tried manually restarting the service (sudo service octoprint restart) but it doesn't start. After researching I found out I should run an update but when I put the update command in the terminal windows it’s saying unknown command. 16. Here are the steps for resetting a forgotten OctoPi password by modifying configuration files. But my raspberry Pi HQ camera isn’t it’s a distorted grey/green images. server - INFO - Shutting down 2019-09-16 11:29:43,229 - octoprint. yaml and add to the bottom of the code. no result. service has started. 2019-09-16 11:29:42,281 - octoprint. x. run sudo service octoprint restart; Refresh the browser page and it should take you to the wizard ; I think the issue is that I was upgrading from a very old version of Octoprint and the CORS permissions may not have been What is the problem? System commands in OctoPrint menu, installed on OctoPi, doesn't work at all despite spawning a notification stating the operation is succesful. Restart OctoPrint: sudo service octoprint restart Restart system: sudo shutdown -r now Shutdown system: sudo shutdown -h now. but if I leave it overnight or for a few days come back to the terminal the Pi user has lost sudo privileges. 9 or 3. then restart OctoPrint sudo service octoprint restart and you should be able to start and stop your webcam via the UI. It will give you a list like this: Is there any other way to start octoprint from within node js tool. Copy the backup to the OctoPrint instance you want to restore it on (e. 2->Other Specific Purpose OS->OctoPi *Ctrl+Shift+X to set cust sudo systemctl reset-failed webcamd. oleost May 22, 2020, 8:25am 93. Either way this is only a Since you have no need for remote login, you can ignore the first part of the Howto. Hitting port 80 still gives me a 404. service will start only after zerotier-one. I came back into the fold no to long ago and decided to setup Octoprint on the X-Pro and it's worked good for some time now. events - INFO - Processing shutdown event, this will be our last event The Pi is booting, and I can SSH to it. (warning). service is located at therefore, I can restart it using the web UI. Cleared it right up, and as i said it ran for months. A refresh of the page OctoPrint doesn't control the webcam. For that it needs to do some rewriting of the incoming upload HTTP requests, storing the uploaded file to a temporary location on disk and then sending an internal request to the application Restart OctoPrint: sudo service octoprint restart; Restart system: sudo shutdown -r now; Shutdown system: sudo shutdown -h now; And my Octoprint starts automatically I'm not sure if that's impemented in newest version or it's because I was working some time on that also. I see nothing in the Octoprint. ). A quick scan of the syslog showed me there are several instances where voltage drops but recovers. Apologies if this has been discussed to death. I'll test a new power This will automatically log you in as the user you specified whenever you connect to OctoPrint from an address in the address range (e. log, serial. by @bladykast and @sashalex007 on Github. b-morgan May 4, 2018, 4:46pm 3. I am brand new to 3d printing and Octoprint. More . Anywhere below I reference "octopi. 7. ***2019 update: Depending on your printer's board, more likely than not your android device lacks the necessary drivers to be recognized by OctoPrint. Open OctoPrint's settings Installation instructions for installing from source for different operating systems can be found on the forum. If you want to run OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi, you really should take a look at OctoPi which is a custom SD card image that includes OctoPrint plus dependencies. Another symptom is the control tab in octoprint does show both cameras, but seem to time out in about 30 seconds, and then just freeze. But it is possible to find out the device name using the v4l2-ctl utility, which can be installed with the apt install v4l2-ctl command. It helps a bunch if the user is allowed to use sudo, for example so that you can initiate a reboot or shutdown from within octoprint: sudo adduser oprint sudo The sudoers list has to be updated with the visudo tool, which is, curiously, frequently not vi. octoprint. What did you already try to solve it? SSH in to the pi and run lsusb for I cannot get the desktop to install & launch for Octoprint v0. system - WARNING - Command for core:reboot failed with return code 1: ! ! STDOUT: ! ! STDERR: ! Restart OctoPrint for your changes to take effect, using sudo service octoprint restart or similar. log, sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd sudo systemctl enable networking sudo reboot Octoprint 0. mkdir -p ~/sites/octo-temps && cd ~/sites/octo-temps; npm init; touch index. Everything in this guide should be done as a standard user, not as root. Then the group sudo is in sudo service octoprint {start|stop|restart } HAProxy Install/Setup HAProxy is used to serve the front end of the site on port 80 and direct the traffic to the backend ports as needed. I've been using Octoprint for several years but stopped using it for a little while after buying a Qidi X-Pro because it was not 100% Octoprint compatible. Anyway I'm really happy with current state. im trying to set up a custom script to use a dlsr and when trying to access the sudoers file i run into a where pi is not in the sudoers file. Desktop started, but with no menu and only a terminal It may well default to the right values. 2 $ ~/oprint/bin/pip install -U OctoPrint $ sudo service octoprint restart. log file to see if anything is Then to restart the service: sudo service octoprint restart. Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 are not available. It might be nice to have a security tab that discusses what fixes are available and the option to apply them. ps -ef | grep -i octoprint | grep -i python and nothing was returned. 3. through SCP) Open a command line on the system running OctoPrint (e. octoprint/scrips is empty. a device on your local network). service file Camera model Tapo C111 What is the problem? Can't get the cameras-stream to show up in the Webinterface Interestingly enough Restreamer recognizes Octoprint as 2 Viewers are shown But sadly the Tab doesn't show the Stream What did you already try to solve it? I've setup restreamer in a docker-compose next to octoprint. 4. 7, 3. ) it will also install OctoPrint and a video streamer (ustreamer). After connecting to the OctoPrint web page, follow the prompt to upgrade OctoPrint if needed. Please help ! Greetings Falke. After that use sudo service octoprint start to run it, with sudo service octoprint status to see if it's running or sudo service octoprint stop to stop it again. I tried following guides on YouTube and searched and searched on here Many thanks to the mods and the helpful octoprinters. Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint. Octoprint logs mention something about missing terminal 2024-11-23 21:47:02,738 - octoprint. The user is then presented with the option to automatically have the GUI start on boot, or not. e. They were performed on VMs or real computers so they should work on newly installed computer. Linux. so for a pi camera OctoPrint on Linux is a great combination for diehard Linux and 3D printing fans. Having issues with the webcam. In order for So I have been at this for two days and finally after these two days I can say I figured out how to install Octoprint with multi instances on a laptop running Raspberry pi Desktop os. Started a lithophane last night. for some reason the first day that I am using it to configure everything in the terminal the pi user has sudo privileges. The keygen part of that tutorial though was necessary so that the pi user can do password-less sudo (even if remotely). on port 80 These files provide a bash script for quickly deploying multiple octoprint instances on a single computer. $ ~/oprint/bin/pip install -U OctoPrint==1. Heads-up If you want to get OctoPrint up and running as fast as possible, it is highly recommended to take a look at OctoPi, which is an SD card image based on Raspbian already prepared with OctoPrint, Webcamsupport, HAProxy and SSL. This guide will OctoPrint will now be available on port 5000, or as octoprint. However, the web interface won't load. service So running sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade would be able to update camera-streamer as well as camera-streamer-stack scripts, from https://apt. accessControl: # The user manager implementation to use for accessing user information. It should also be set up by sudo modprobe w1-gpio sudo modprobe w1-therm cd /sys/bus/w1/devices ls cd 28-xxxx (change this to match what serial number pops up) cat w1_slave The response will either have YES or NO at the end of the first line. . octoprint> sudo systemctl stop lighthttpd && systemctl restart haproxy [sudo] password for pi: Failed to stop lighthttpd. If your computer already runs one of the target distributions, your mileage may vary, although, you're most likely to run into already Camera model 3SixT Action Camera (Generic Action Cam) What is the problem? I have been using the camera to monitor prints and record timelapses (Octolapse) when all of a sudden when I boot up and it no longer shows up on the camera page on octoprint. d/webcam if you didn't change the credentials the username is pi and the password raspberry. log. everything I try to sudo I get sudo renice -15 -p $(pgrep 'camera-streamer') If you are NOT running a desktop, give your system a "boost"; sudo renice -5 -p $(pgrep 'octoprint') sudo renice -20 -p $(pgrep 'systemd') All apps run at 0 priority by default. OctoPrint earlier than 1. If that fixes it but your plugins are not there, (since if OctoPrint failed, they may have too) it is possible to recover them from the backup, just don't delete the oprint. joel_huebner May 25, 2020, 7:20pm 23. sudo service webcamd start for starting the service. These are the numbers that I run with 3 cameras. But when the autostart didn't work, i started to think these two problems are related to eachother. sudo apt update # install available software updates sudo apt upgrade -y # install prerequisites sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-venv git libyaml OctoPrint revolutionizes the 3D printing experience by eliminating the need for cumbersome file transfers using SD cards or USB connections. I am having the same problems as @reipet, and the issues started immediately after I updated by agreeing to the auto-update notification. so for everything. kantlivelong June 16, 2021, 3:55pm 11. That name is specific to You forgot some setup steps for the octoprint user. Got up this morning and the print was not looking too good so I went to cancel the print via Octoprint. version--Browser and version of browser, operating system running browser. Of course webcamd in the commands above have to match the name of the service you add. Installation on Android through Debian Kit Debian Kit installation on Android Notices, Disclaimers and Tips: You need your device rooted. FosCo November 22, 2021, 8:47am 5. #Using default raspberry password through this after each sudo Hi there, merry christmas to all. org While sudo raspi-config'ing, wifi country is in the localization options. sudo service octoprint restart sudo service octoprint stop sudo service octoprint starts sudo service haproxy stop sudo service haproxy start. Question: How does one actually start the GUI? I have tried "startx" with I ran the sudo service octoprint start and this is what I get. I bit more information here would be very appreciated. service not loaded. Rebooting the Orange PI PC, the OctoPrint server now starts automatically. 8, 3. 2 (64-Bit) Link to octoprint. log or output on terminal tab, browser Instructions for using the Raspberry Pi Imager to download and install OctoPrint and edit the WiFi settings can be found at OctoPrint. Once installed, you can query the list of video I/O devices using the v4l2-ctl --list-devices command. Charlie_Powell November 30, 2020, 8:34pm 16 ~/oprint/bin/pip install octoprint --force My octoprint server has been working fine for several months but, I just cannot find where octoprint. Operating System running OctoPrint. :point_up: Heads-up If you want to get OctoPrint up and running Excellent guide. If this is on an OctoPi-based install, you could assume that OctoPrint can be completely controlled via the script that were already part of that image: sudo service octoprint start sudo service octoprint stop sudo service octoprint restart Hi, i have a problem with the webcam. 15. Salmon sudo v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=focus_auto=0 sudo v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=focus_absolute=##number from first comm 🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine! 🇺🇦 OctoPrint Community Forum Camera Focus made Easy. Charlie_Powell January 10, 2021, 10:25am 2. conf for files that can be altered with normal permissions and sudo nano /path/of/the/file. Hope this guide helps someone out! 2 Likes. I don't think it's a good idea to wait for the sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable mjpg-streamer sudo systemctl start mjpg-streamer sudo systemctl status mjpg-streamer OMG that was so MUCH easier!!! I had to change the path to MJPG-streamer dude to the git I had pulled previously but FFS those directions were clear and understandably. Only changes since are whatever plugins and such updated on the octopi, all latest. That's why I started experimenting with the other method. What is the problem? Hey guys! I'm trying to create an octoprint plugin directly on my Octoprint instance but I can't seem to get the oprint command to work. Completely manually. sudo v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=focus_auto=0 sudo v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl=focus_absolute=60 Returns: unkown control 'focus_auto' and 'focus_absolute' This ensures that octoprint. VNC will tell you the connection has been closed. I just did a setup on a clean install to a Pi 4. 5. Then i have installed the Plugin System Command Editor. 12+ SSH into your machine Activate the virtual environment. These are the steps I used to get it up and running as it is slightly different to what is listed above. The Snapshot is working, but the stream URL is not working. Logs (octoprint. Get Help. service. Part of it is my lack of knowledge with linux. If manual startup is chosen, then how does one actually start the GUI? startx does not work. You don't need an octopi. DaveOB September 21, 2020, 3:46pm 5. -name octoprint-service sudo find . Link to contents of terminal tab or serial Use the command sudo service octoprint restart to do so. pi@octopi:~ $ ~/oprint/bin/pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache The usb camera input file name does not always match /dev/video0 or /dev/video1. sh start confirm: false name: Start video stream - action: streamoff command: /home/pi/webcam. From my initial Octopi/Octoprint install, I did all the OS updates, installed lightdm, installed Xinit and tried sudo startx. I tried this - Hardware Raspberry Pi 4 Sandisk 16GB Procedure Install: Imager v1. After this, you should be able to log in to the interface with the new password. I think i have a problem sudo systemctl start octoprint. I get the "OctoPrint Server is not currently running" page when I navigate to the Pi IP address. OctoPi specific steps If you are running OctoPi you will have to SSH into your Raspberry Pi. I have re-flashed the image 3 times. You I cannot start octoprint with: sudo service octoprint start And also, octoprint does not start automatically. I type in pi and the setup password I always use and got the error, "Incorrect username or password". 12 (will update soon now that i see TouchUI is fixed) I added sudo service webcamd restart to rc. hqcww axrwdk wrku qsjp nkvfbo soz ivqmif sbvpp hjwjzr mzrxn